In the article The end of Overeating written by Dr David A Kessler, he writes about the psychological connection between sugar,fat and salt and our human eating habits. He writes that humans do not overeat because we have a link of willpower. Instead Dr Kessler writes that overeat because, we are addicted to fat,salt and sugar. Over the decades our access to fat,salt and sugar in our food has grown. He writes "food had become more readily available in the 190s and 1980s"(Kessler 6). He also writes that people have a "bliss point"(Kessler 19). In which people will only find food pleasurable after a set amount of sugar, salt and fat. When pleasurable foods, we continue to eat more it.
Dr Kessler surely right in my opinion about the connections humans have between fat,salt and sugar and our eating habits. I am a perfect example of his theory. As I am writing this blog, I am having a box of pizza. I am almost finish with my pizza and I am still not satisfied with my hunger. Sometimes for me it feels like pizza goes in and out my body. Pizza has a lot of salt and fat and since I like this pizza, I will continue to buy it.
With Dr Keesler theory can be connected to Cafo system. The Cafo system needs a strong continued demand in order to keep functioning. The greater demand for Meat, chicken,fish,eggs, pork and turkey, the greater demand for Cafo output. The food companies will continue to spend billions of dollars find other our bliss points.What this means is the greater continue of our food addictions are, more we continue to feed the Cafo's.
Hi Gill, my name is Carla and I am a student in professor Rogers Cooper English 101 class. Firstly, your blog is very informative in terms of food facts. In your first opening paragraph you mention all of the Dr Kessler’s claims, but you didn’t explain the quotes. Keep in mind that although you know all of his claims, the reader may not know them, so it is always good to just briefly explain each claims you are arguing or talking about it. Moreover, I would like to know more about your OWN point of views relating to Dr Kessler’ arguments. Furthermore, I lost you when you mention the “Cafo System” because you didn’t give an explanation or a topic sentence to support it. Why don’t you paraphrase Dr Kessler theory in connection to “Cafo System” and write your own views to it. Also I can see that you mostly wrote what Kessler said in the text. A blog is also writing about your own ideas and what you think or believe is right. Overall, I feel as though your blog has met the assignment requirement. Best of luck on your future blogs.